Bring your online maps to the offline
world: Mobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC) creates offline atlases of online
maps for your favorite mobile navigation program.
Target platforms are GPS handhelds (Garmin, Magellan and others) and
cell phone applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav and other Android, iPhone
and Windows Mobile based applications. As source for an offline atlas
MOBAC can use a large number of different online maps such as
OpenStreetMap and other online map providers.
- Create offline atlases for a large number of different (mobile) applications and GPS handhelds:
- Multi-platform apps: Google Earth, Sports Tracker, TrekBuddy, TwoNav / CompeGPS
- Android apps: AlpineQuest, AndNav, BackCountry Navigator, Big Planet Tracks SQLite format, Maverick, OruxMaps, OsmAnd, Osmdroid, RMaps SQLite
- iOS apps: Galileo Offline Maps
- Windows Mobile/PocketPC apps: CacheBox, Cachewolf, Glopus, GPS Sport Tracker, Maplorer, NaviComputer, nfComPass, OSMtracker, PathAway
- Symbian/J2ME apps: AFTrack, Mobile Trail Explorer
- GPS handhelds: Garmin Custom Map, Magellan RMP
- other: OziExplorer, Touratech QV
- and others
- MOBAC supports a number of map sources:
- OpenStreetMap Mapnik
- OpenStreetMap Osmarenderer
- OpenStreetMap Public Transport
- OpenStreetMap Hiking
- OpenSeaMap
- OpenPisteMap
- (Europe)
- and others
Title: Mobile Atlas Creator 1.9.10 Filename: Mobile Atlas Creator File size: 5.93MB (6,218,519 bytes) Requirements: Windows (All Versions) Languages: en-US Download Now
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